Step by Step

Step by Step

Step by Step

Every great Journey begins with a first step. Amenirdis is an invitation to go beyond borders. Madly in love with knowledge like an ecstatic fruit, Beauty taught to address thoughts by growing the beautiful flowers of intuition in the gardens of Mental Silence. The star chart will be your cornerstone: keep it in your pocket, let yourself be guided towards new directions. He that seeketh findeth. Nose in the air, feet on the ground.

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Fireflies shine in the dark to reclaim woods. Their blissful shyness gently expresses itself with a natural drive that lights up the beholder. The honey-bags steal from the humble-bees, and for night-tapers crop their waxen thighs. And light them at the fiery glow-worm’s eyes, to have my love to bed and to arise. And pluck the wings from painted butterflies to fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes.

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” (W. Shakespeare)

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A Giraffe at The North Pole

A Giraffe at The North Pole

A Giraffe at The North Pole

When something or someone is in a state of empathy, interest arouses like a spark dropped from the Sun. Let your eyes shine bright: what a joy! A new wind rises gently, unequivocal point of view. Sometimes a simple thought is enough: go along with it, make it happen. Even if you’re not aware, this is your call: if you can catch it there then it’s also here. A Giraffe at the North Pole – a surreal statement maybe – but he who seeks finds as long as you look at the right direction. What a beauty. A cosmic language that goes beyond infinity.

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